Pre- Orders Policy

Due to popularity, items may become available for purchase prior to it being in-stock. Preordering allows you to secure an item before it's released. When preordering an item from our website, please keep the following in mind:

  • Pre Orders are charged immediately at checkout and not when the item ships.
  • Preorder items can arrive prior to or after the estimated ship date that's posted on the product page.
  • Although it's rare, if the estimated ship date for a preorder changes you will be notified via email. An update will also be posted in the product description.
  • Preorders are generally processed and shipped within 24-48 hours of the estimated ship date.
  • If you are ordering a Preorder item with an In-Stock item, you will only be charged shipping once. We will not charge you again once your Preorder has shipped.
  • Unfortunately, preorders aren't eligible for discounts or promotions
  • For Returns on Preorders, you have 14 days from the day the order has shipped - not the date on the original invoice as this is the Order date.
  • If at any time you need further details, please contact us via email at and we will be happy to assist!